As I mentioned in 6 Reasons Why Local Governments Fail to Engage the Public, many public bodies still hold meetings the same way we did in the 1700's. However, today, many people have schedules that do not allow them to attend meetings in person. Therefore, local governments should use modern technology to involve more residents in the governance of their communities.
Below are five reasons to use technology to increase public engagement
- Using technology allows the public to be engaged in government if
their life/work schedule does not permit them to attend meetings in
Americans are busier than ever. Not only are we working longer, our commutes to and from work are longer as well. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Americans only have 1.7 hours per day for "other activities" such as meeting attendance. Therefore, having easy access to video's, reports and other documents any time of the day is needed to increase public involvement in local government. - Using modern technology will engage tech savvy younger people.
Research has shown that younger individuals; such as millenials, are the least likely to attend meetings in person. However, they are much more likely to be engaged if meetings are online, especially if the meeting is interactive. - Opening up meetings to a wider audience builds trust in government.
According to the International City/County Management Association,Governments across the US and Canada are increasingly using online civic engagement to improve how their communities are involved in government decision-making processes. Those governments know that online civic engagement can become the centerpiece of transparent, inclusive, responsive and accountable government; and that in turn increases public trust in government.
- Allowing citizens to see how government works takes the mystery out of the process.
Most people have very limited interaction with their governments. So when they do have to use government services or find information, they may find that the laws, regulations and processes can be intimidating and baffling. Having information readily available and easy to find will go a long way in assisting people finding the assistance or information that they need.
Additionally, while residents may recognize elected officials, they may have no idea who administrative officials are or what they do. Being able to see these officials at work will give a human persona to what could otherwise be a faceless bureaucracy. This will allow residents to feel closer to their government. - Having information readily available, in an easy to use and
understandable format is likely to increase the knowledge about an issue and
may reduce unnecessary conflict by short circuiting the "rumor mill".
One of the most difficult things to dispel is a good rumor. Local governments can greatly reduce the chance of misinformation and misunderstanding of issues by providing easy access to meetings, reports and other information. This allows local governments to ensure that accurate information is available to residents.

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